Thursday, December 17, 2020

New Podcast Episode: Laura Baxter Missionary and Founder of Joanna Ministries, Inc

Laura Baxter tells us how God prepared her to answer a big call to leave a successful, happy life in Central Kentucky and move to Honduras to minister to women escaping the sex industry. She had very little financial support, knew very few people and barely spoke the language, but she knew this is what God wanted her to do. She left home for a life far outside the comfort zone for most of us. But helping rescue women from sex trafficking was only the beginning. When COVID-19 and then not one but two hurricanes hit, Laura stepped up her mission work to the next level by serving those who serve. Talking to Laura you get the impression God is just getting started with her. I can't imagine the amazing things she will accomplish in the coming decades.
Joanna Ministries, Inc. seeks to work with churches and other ministries to reach teens who have been abused and may be at risk for life on the streets as well as being trafficked. We go into one of the local hospitals to talk with teens who are pregnant. We want to be available to them and let them also know that there are safe places they can go. In opening a pregnancy crisis center, we hope to reach teens who have been abused and have become pregnant. Sharing pre and post-natal care along with seeking to help heal their hearts in the process. Because of Laura's own experience in an abusive relationship, God has given her a heart for girls who have been abused; to be able to share that there is hope and healing through a relationship with Christ.

Learn more about Joanna Ministries, Inc here.

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Radiothon 2020

Thank you for your support of our Troutman and Napier / Reliable
Residential Roofing radiothon to benefit God's Pantry Food Bank.
Because of your generosity families will be able to enjoy a
traditional home cooked Thanksgiving meal including turkey with all
the trimmings and dessert.

The staff at God's Pantry Food Bank was grateful for the donations,
and can't wait to get Thanksgiving meals to those in need! Thank you
for helping us make an impact in our community.

Thank you for your sport of Christian radio, and for sharing the love
of Christ with those less fortunate in our community.

God bless you & happy Thanksgiving.

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Just $50 feeds a family a Thanksgiving meal including turkey with all the trimmings and dessert with enough for leftovers. Thank you for helping.


Thursday, October 29, 2020

Podcast with Congressman Andy Barr of Kentucky's 6th Congressional District

Congressman Andy Barr from Kentucky's 6th Congressional District is my guest this week as we head into the 2020 general election. Topics covered include President Donald Trump, the Paycheck Protection Program, a second economic stimulus package, Speaker of the House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi and partisan politics. The issue of abortion is discussed specifically late term abortion and the need for legislation to provide a guarantee for a child born from a botched abortion procedure to receive medical treatment to insure their survival.  Congressman Barr also discusses his work with, and on behalf of, US Military Veterans. He talks about how he was instrumental in getting Jessamine County's Camp Nelson designated as a National Monument with the National Parks Service, and the benefits to Central Kentucky.  Congressman Barr shares his opinion of our voting process in the shadow of the COID 19 pandemic, and whether or not he believes your vote will be counted. 

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Podcast with Ked Frank - Refuge for Women

New episode of my podcast is out today. Listen is as I talk to Ked Frank President and Founder of Refuge for Women. 

Refuge for Women, Incorporate, a 501(c)3 organization, formed in January, 2009 in Lexington, KY, and was founded by Ked and Michelle Frank. Ked currently serves as the President of the national Refuge for Women organization. During the time prior to starting Refuge, Ked had a series of pivotal conversations with the leader of a group doing outreach to women in local strip clubs. Although the outreach had been ongoing for three years, the women who wanted help with escaping had no long-term places to go. In response to this need, Refuge for Women opened its first location in Kentucky in 2009. It is a non-profit, faith-based organization that provides long-term care for women who are survivors of human trafficking and sexual exploitation, offering them a new beginning. Since that time, Refuge for Women has served more than 100 women.

Human Trafficking is a dark industry that abuses and exploits women of all ages. When a woman is rescued from a trafficker, she is left with many years of past trauma and oftentimes, substance abuse issues.

Refuge for Women is a non-profit, faith based organization providing specialized long-term care for women who have escaped human trafficking or sexual exploitation. With multiple locations across the U.S., Refuge for Women offers up to twelve months of safe housing, at no charge to the resident, with around the clock care as clients progress through evidence-based, trauma-informed programming. The compassionate staff is trained to help residents work through the program to reclaim their identities and reach their goals to overcome addictions, heal from trauma and develop life skills leading to healthy, balanced living and financial independence. Refuge for Women strives to help each woman complete the program with a vision for her future, equipped to succeed and sustain a life marked with dignity and hope.

Thursday, September 3, 2020

New Podcast! - Lexington Rescue Mission

I started a podcast! In the first episode I sit down with Laura Carr Executive Director of Lexington Rescue Mission and her father Jim Connell the former Executive Director and founder who just retired. We talk about the call God put on Jim's life, and the path he took to come to Kentucky from Indiana and found the Lexington Rescue Mission. Laura tells us what it's like to work with family, and how she never saw herself as filling her dad's shoes. We also discuss how they were able to continue doing their ministry during a pandemic, where she sees it growing and how you can help. 

Friday, March 20, 2020

COVID-19 and Christian Radio

These are certainly unprecedented times we are living in. I, like you
I'm sure, take comfort in scriptures like this one: "Peace I leave
with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I
unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid."
John 14:27 KJV. One thing I do when anxiety begins to creep in is
think about what I can do to be a blessing to those around me.
Especially during these trying times, it is important to be good
neighbors, and do what you can to help out. Many of our ministry
partners have been addressing current events directly on their
programs. They have been helping us all view current events from a
Biblical perspective. We at the Christian Broadcasting System, Ltd
have been using our gifts and talents to try to make a positive
difference in our communities. Here are some of our initiatives:

We know this is a difficult and confusing time for churches as many
are making plans to not gather in person for the first time in their
history. We are offering our expertise with audio, live-streaming,
podcasting and remote broadcasting free of charge to any ministry who
needs some technical assistance. We are willing and happy to help you
come up with a solution to get your sermons, services or daily
messages to the people in your congregation and your community. Call
Benson Gregory at 859-982-9566.

Businesses are closing every day it seems. To those still operating,
especially restaurants, coffee shops, etc., we are offering free
advertising to get the word out about your carry out or delivery
service and daily specials. Just call Bruce Edwards between 2 pm and 6
pm Monday - Friday and he will put you on the air to share about your
business on 93.3 FM and 770 AM WCGW. Our web partner Jordan Web
Solutions launched a free restaurant directory for Jessamine County

Our regular Sunday morning schedule is full of opportunities to take
part in a Sunday morning service. We invite you to tune in:

WJMM 99.1 FM

6:30 am - The Last Day Church
7:30 am - Historic Pleasant Green Missionary Baptist Church
8:30 am - Call to Worship
9:00 am - Todd's Road Grace Church
9:30 am - Message Ministries
10:00 am - Sunday Sermon with Dr. J. Vernon McGee

You can listen on your radio at 99.1 FM, on your phone with the Tune
In app, on your computer at and on your smart speaker.

93.3 FM and 770 AM WCGW The Eagle

7:00 am - Old Fashion Revival Hour
9:00 am - Baptist Bible Hour
9:30 am - Message Ministries
11:00 am - Sand Spring Baptist Church Live
12:00 pm - Old Fashion Revival Hour
12:30 pm - Lovin' Life

You can listen on your radio at 93.3 FM or 770 AM, on your phone or
your computer at

As always, many of our ministry programs are available on demand at
our websites and

Please continue to faithfully support your church and the ministries
on the radio both with your prayers and your financial giving. Please
also remember to pray for our leaders, first responders and medical
personnel. We will get through this together. God bless you.